Sunday, September 9, 2007

Reflecting Pool

Ms Pool as I call her from Relfecting pool is an intelligent humourous woman who has a knack of asking questions that are asked by everyone in the back of their heads and when they read them on her blog they say, "why didn't I think of that?" she has a talent for looking at the obvious in a different way to others a gift I envy. A ghey man trapped in a woman's body she works for the law firm of Bleedem and Screwyou as a morals justifier and at night she is the super crime fighter 'Hookerwoman' using hooks that cum out of her hands to apprehend criminals keeping the streets safe for junkies, pimps and hoors.

Welcome to the Nation miss Pool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say Nudsie? I am honored.