Thursday, August 2, 2007


Mj the blogger who is proud to be a cunt, blogs about dildos, vibrators and bitch fights she should be compulsive reading in schools. A busy woman obsessed about Coronation Street and freestyle jazz when she isn't busy with her Pilate's studio she is performing her crouching ping pong pole dance routine at the Sweaty Crotch Canada's most famous strip club. When the Sweaty crotch says it has 100 hot weemen and one ugly one You can tell from the picture which MJ is.

Considered a babe in Canada MJ at Infomaniac


Inexplicable DeVice said...

Christ! I keep forgetting to shut my eyes whenever that picture happens by.

Old Knudsen said...

The poor gurl has had a hard life.

Prunella Jones said...

I've seen MJ's act and it is amazing. She's a legend in American pole dancing circles. It is a shame about her plastic surgery, she really shouldn't have used Courtney Love's doctor.

Old Knudsen said...

I hear she has a nice personality though. Well that's what I've heard.